Containers and OpenShift

Now that we have a container let’s demonstrate how one might deploy that container to a platform like Red Hat’s Enterprise Kubernetes solution, OpenShift.

Login to OpenShift

First, let’s log into your OpenShift cluster. Choose the tab that is most appropriate to your current lab. If you are unsure, ask your lab techs.

  • Provisioned

  • OpenShift Developer Sandox

  1. You should be able to reach the OpenShift cluster provisioned for this lab here

  2. You should be met with a login challenge screen

    openshift login challenge
  3. Enter the following details

    • Username: %USER%

    • Password: openshift


This section assumes you:

  • Already have a Red Hat account

  • Requested and have had an OpenShift Developer Sandbox approved prior to attempting this section

  1. Navigate to the Red Hat Developer OpenShift Developer Sandbox page

  2. Click on "start your sandbox" and enter your Red Hat account login details

  3. From the OpenShift sandbox page, log into your sandbox by clicking on the "DevSandbox" button on the login challenge page

    dev sandbox login challenge
  4. Once you login, you should see your -dev project in the Developer Perspective

    dev sandbox dev perspective

If you’ve logged in successfully, you should find yourself on the (empty) start page for the Developer Perspective one the %USER% project[1]

ocp developer perspective

Console Login

For this section we’re going to want to issue commands to OpenShift from the commandline. OpenShift has a CLI called oc [2] which we will leverage.

Here again, choose the proper tab for your setup

  • Provisioned

  • OpenShift Developer Sandbox

  1. From the (CodeServer) terminal, enter the following command to log into OpenShift

    oc login https://api.%CLUSTER_SUBDOMAIN%:6443 \(1)
        --username %USER% \
        --password 'openshift'
    1 This is the URL of the REST API for OpenShift with which the CLI interacts
    Insecure connections

    If you are met the with following question in the console

    The server uses a certificate signed by an unknown authority.
    You can bypass the certificate check, but any data you send to the server could be intercepted by others.
    Use insecure connections? (y/n):

    You can safely answer y (yes) at the prompt

  1. From your OpenShift Console UI, click the dropdown in the upper right (with your account name) and select Copy login command

    copy login command
  2. Next, when presented the login challenge select DevSandbox

    dev sandbox login challenge
  3. Click the "Display Token" link

  4. Copy the string as indicated in the image

    copy login token
  5. Paste the command into a Code Server terminal

If you have logged on successfully, running the following command:

oc whoami

Should yield your OpenShift username (below represents username shown if using Provisioned Cluster)


Upload Image to Image Registry

Let’s go back to the container that we finished here and look at what a simple deployment to the %USER% project.

OpenShift and Image Registries

In order to be able to run an image in OpenShift or Kubernetes we need to put our image somewhere we’re OpenShift can find it. This usually involves uplaoding the image to either a public or private container registry. Public registries include Red Hat’s and Docker’s Docker Hub

One of the features that OpenShift adds to Kubernetes is an in-built container registry called an ImageStream. We’re going to create an ImageStream to upload our container to where OpenShift can find it.

We can create the image stream either from the OpenShift Console (UI) or from the terminal (command line).

  1. Enter the following command

    oc create imagestream \(1)
        -n %USER% \(2)
        my-secure-web-server-image (3)
    1 ImageStream is an OpenShift specific Kubernetes resource that represents a project specific container registry
    2 This is the namespace the ImageStream should be bound to
    3 This is the name of the image registry we want to create created
  2. With our ImageStream created, we can find our registry endpoint with this command

    OCP_REGISTRY_URL=$(oc get imagestream my-secure-web-server-image \
        -n %USER% \
        -o jsonpath='{.status.publicDockerImageRepository}') (1)
    1 -o is used to specify the output type. In this case we specify jsonpath which means give the output as JSON and then act as if it were piped to jq -r meaning we specify the field in the JSON we are looking for
  3. Once we have the publicDockerImageRepository we can use podman to login into it with our OpenShift credentials

    podman login \
        ${OCP_REGISTRY_URL} \
        --username %USER% \
        --password "$(oc whoami -t)" (1)
    1 You must log into imagestream registries using a token and not your user’s password. oc whoami -t returns the currently active token for a given OpenShift session
  4. This should yield the following output, which indicates that you’ve authenticated with the ImageStream internal registry

    Login Succeeded!
  5. Now we’re going to use a new podman command called tag to associate our local image with an image that could exist in our ImageStream registry

    podman tag \
        localhost/secure-container \(1)
        ${OCP_REGISTRY_URL}:latest (2)
    1 This, remember is the local name of the image we created in the previous section
    2 If you echo this in a shell, this will look something like default-route-openshift-image-registry.apps.%CLUSTER_SUBDOMAIN%/%USER%/my-secure-web-server-image:latest which is similar to container identification names as we discussed in the Container Anatomy section
  6. Once tagged, we should now be able to push this image into the ImageStream using the podman push command

    podman push ${OCP_REGISTRY_URL}:latest
  7. You should see output similar to the following

    Getting image source signatures
    Copying blob 1d505cb9245a done
    Copying blob 9e12a51e507a done
    Copying blob 01d2fb866535 done
    Copying config f8b584bce6 done
    Writing manifest to image destination
    Storing signatures

Now we have our image in a place where we can refer to it

Run Container Image on OpenShift

The simplest way to get a container image up and running in OpenShift is with the oc run command. This will create what’s called a pod to house our container that runs based on the image definition we just uploaded to the ImageStream

  1. One of benefits of using ImageStreams is that the cluster internal addresss of the ImageStream repo does not require authentication. Let’s use that for the image location for running our pod

    CLUSTER_LOCAL_REGISTRY_URL=$(oc get imagestream \
        my-secure-web-server-image \(1)
        -o jsonpath='{.status.dockerImageRepository}') (2)
    1 Notice that this is the same ImageStream name we’ve been using
    2 This time we’re looking not for the publicDockerImageRepository from the ImageStream definition, but the dockerImageRepository which is the same as the cluster local address of the repo
  2. Run the following command from the Code Server terminal

    oc run \
        my-web-server \(1)
        -n %USER% \
        --image ${CLUSTER_LOCAL_REGISTRY_URL}:latest
    1 The name that will be given to the pod
    pod/my-web-server created
  3. Switch to the OpenShift Console (UI) and look at the developer perpective for your project. You should see the pod running

    ocp running secure image
    Figure 1. Our image running in OpenShift

Exposing Container Website

Our container is running in OpenShift, but we’d like the rest of the world to have access to our guestbook. To do this on OpenShift we create a Service in that "exposes" our pod and then a Route that "exposes" our service to the world outside the OpenShift cluster.

oc expose \(1)
    --port 8080 \(2)
    pod/my-web-server (3)
1 expose is an oc CLI specific command
2 We want our service to expose port 8080
3 Many resources can be exposed. Exposing a pod (as we’re referencing here) creates a service that points to the pod based on the svcs the pod exports
service/my-web-server exposed

Once our service is created, we can expose our Service (or svc)

oc expose \
    svc/my-web-server exposed

Exposing our service creates a Route in OpenShift. We can interrogate this created route to determine what the publicly accessible endpoint is for our service:

echo "http://$(oc get route my-web-server -o jsonpath='{}')/hello.html"

This should return output something like this:


Copy the output and paste it into any internet connected browser. You should get access to an operating guestbook

sandbox website

OpenShift Security

In the building secure container section we spent a lot of time making our image suitable for running on OpenShift.

Let’s take a quick look at how OpenShift adds a layer of protection around our running of images by looking at what happens when we try to run our insecure container on it.

  1. First let’s make use of OpenShift’s internal image registry again (the ImageStream we created before) by tagging the insecure image with a name that binds it to to that registry

    podman tag \ \
        ${OCP_REGISTRY_URL}:insecure (1)
    1 Same exact ImageStream image registry, just different tag
  2. With the image tagged for the ImageStream registry, we can now push it

    podman push \
    Getting image source signatures
    Copying blob bcf3865bf7f7 done
    Copying blob 86284899b0cc done
    Copying blob c9e02f9d3afe done
    Copying blob 4e7c990a129f done
    Copying blob 210af8709b71 done
    Copying blob 123257361dae done
    Copying blob 47e96512450e done
    Copying blob 8f10e6ebff19 done
    Copying blob 486383b07939 done
    Copying blob 23be1053bf93 done
    Copying blob ee738432d587 done
    Copying config 60dde8abf7 done
    Writing manifest to image destination
    Storing signatures
  3. Before we attempt to run our image, let’s setup a log watch so that we can see the logs of the pod. We’ll do this in a separate terminal, so first split your terminal, this will be referred to as Terminal 2

    terminal split
    • Terminal 2

    To monitor our pod from the terminal we’re going to use a tool called stern (see here for more info). It allows us to aggregate and view logs from our Kubernetes cluster.

    To set up a log watch enter the following command

    stern -n %USER% \(1)
       my-web-server-insecure (2)
    1 The -n option tells the stern to watch for pods in the %USER% namespace
    2 This is a string that stern uses to match against any pods that exist in the specified namespace. In this case this matches the name we are intending to give our pod
  4. With our image pushed to the OpenShift image registry, we can now run the image in a pod using the following command (and the "Cluster Local" name of the registry which we obtained above)

    • Terminal 1

    oc run \
        -n %USER% \
        --image ${CLUSTER_LOCAL_REGISTRY_URL}:insecure (2)
    1 Different pod name to distinguish from previous
    2 Same exact image registry, just different tag
  5. As the pod starts up we should see the following output from the stern watch in the other terminal

    • Terminal 2

    Recurring stern output
    + my-web-server-insecure › my-web-server-insecure (1)
    Error opening stream to student1/my-web-server-insecure: my-web-server-insecure
    : container "my-web-server-insecure" in pod "my-web-server-insecure" is waiting to start: ContainerCreating
    - my-web-server-insecure
    + my-web-server-insecure › my-web-server-insecure
    Error opening stream to student1/my-web-server-insecure: my-web-server-insecure
    : container "my-web-server-insecure" in pod "my-web-server-insecure" is waiting to start: ContainerCreating
    - my-web-server-insecure
    + my-web-server-insecure › my-web-server-insecure
    my-web-server-insecure my-web-server-insecure AH00558: httpd: Could not reliably determine the server's fully qualified domain name, using Set the 'ServerName' directive globally to suppress this message
    my-web-server-insecure my-web-server-insecure (13)Permission denied: AH00058: Error retrieving pid file logs/
    my-web-server-insecure my-web-server-insecure AH00059: Remove it before continuing if it is corrupted.
    - my-web-server-insecure
    1 stern outputs logs in the format pod-name > container-name '

1. project is an OpenShift specific term. For the purposes of this lab you can think of is as synonymous with the Kubernetes concept of a _namespace
2. oc is built on top of kubectl, the generic Kubernetes CLI. Any command you can issue with kubectl you can issue with oc, but oc builds upon kubectl with OpenShift specific commands, such as oc login